
Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Funnies in traffic part II

I am in the process of reading the drivers manual to finally get the written and driving test done soonish...

In the meanwhile I keep getting amused about traffic signs in Texas.

This adds up to the post about Funnies in traffic

If it rains, am I supposed to stop the car for the next xx amount of miles and watch for the water to sit on the road? :o) :o)

I did not get the photo fast enough but in Houston China Town there was a sign stating:
"Posting of signs is prohibited by city ordinance"

Everything in this country needs to be announced by signs:
I know the meaning of it is to make sure that car drives give way for people coming and going to the church or warn about possible cars slowing down to turn to the church road. Just wondering with a laughter if that sign truly adds so much value.
Those who think that " well we got signs which direct you to the direction of the church", yes agree that makes sense. This sign was on the church grounds by the road, which leads to noticing the church before you notice the sign. Which got me to laugh..."Church!" ..."No kidding! Saw it already!" :o)

Not sure if I ever get the drivers license, as I might not be able to pass the driving test with a straight face.

1 comment:

  1. Hei Inna! Lukasin sun blogin läpi tässä aamusella:) kai meinaat jatkaa vielä kirjottelua? Kiitos vielä eilisestä, oli kivaa! Ensi perjantaihin!! (Kuulostaapa tämä taas tönköltä suomeksi kirjotettuna)




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