
Saturday, April 11, 2015

Houston the magical mecca of health care

There is nothing better than to go to a doctor's visit, which you might NOT have been looking forward so much and come out of it totally amazed. Wondering at the same WHY and HOW can you be feeling happy walking out from e.g. dentist. After a full check and tooth fix.

This seem to happen each time when I go to see a doctor in Houston.

My first dentist visit was really a surprise. I was not looking forward to it. I had done several dentist visits in Finland, at a private medical hub, prior to moving to Houston. None of them were pleasant. Also, it was not possible to get everything done in one go. You had to go 2-3 times. First to get initial check done and then separately to get the night guard preparation done (yes, I have inherited my mother's habit to grind teeth while sleeping) and yet another visit to fix one tooth. Though the doctor was generally neutral and in Finnish terms one could call her pleasant, since she was not trying to scold me on what I should or should not do. But each visit there got blood pressure rising and me thinking how amazing place the world would be, if one would never need to visit a dentist...ever.

Yes, it is my hands...I know and I am generally keen to look after the well being of my teeth. But even if one would not need to do anything, one still needs to go once / twice a year for the check-up. Alone the thought of going to a matter how routine the visit would be, was unpleasant.

With that background I went for my first dentist visit in Houston. From start to finish I was confused. "Am I really at the dentist or this is a dental day spa?"
Customer service was clearly visible from the moment I stepped through the door. They showed me around the facility and explained the process. Then I was seated in my chair, where there was no bright light shining to my eyes but a TV greeted me. I could watch what ever channel I wanted.

The doctor came to greet me and explained what will happen next. X-rays will be taken to get a thorough view of the teeth and their condition. Then, the hygienist will go through and clean the teeth, checking if any daily mitigation actions can be recommended. After which the doctor has a view of what needs to be done. Only for the X-ray I had to move away from my chair, the rest was me enjoying the comfy chair and the specialists moving from one customer "loft" to another. Before anything was done, it was discussed with me and confirmed that I am okay with it.
One hour and they had done everything within one visit and in a way, making me walk out of the place with this idiotic smile on my face. If I had any stickers to put on my forehead, I would have put one saying:"I do not know how it happened, but I love my dentist!"

The best part was that I paid less for the dentist visit here, than I did initially in Finland. The company health package in Finland covered only part of the dentist visit. Here with the company health care insurance, the coverage is major. From the total bill my share was 1/10 if even that.

I thought that okay...that might have been just beginner's luck. My overly optimist attitude kicking in.
Nope, by now, having visited different doctors, all I can say is that I like going to a doctor nowadays!

Not that each time it would be just good news but how the doctors treat one here is very different than in Finland. I had one excellent doctor in Finland, who I trusted and he always showed that what ever the cause may be, he will do all he can to get to the root of it. In so many other cases, at a private medical hub, I got the response:"Well I do not know what is causing the symptoms, so go home. You can book a new appointment if the pain is still there in a few weeks time".

Doctors here do not solely focus on throwing the medical facts to your face and wishing you a good day. Even when there is tougher news to share with the patient, the doctor understands to take into consideration how the message will be received. They seem to be still human and know how to communicate in such a way that you are not racing out of the clinic in sheer panic.

One is also more cautious here on not starting to speculate anything until they have medical facts to support the thoughts. I prefer that approach. I know from own experience and some friends, who went to doctor in Finland due to some complex symptoms. Walking out of the first visit with the assumption that it may be cancer before any tests were performed! In all the cases cancer was not even close to the rather harmless final result. What that statement caused though was a world collapsing for the patient and huge emotional stress. Normally, what ever you may have right then, major emotional stress is most likely not going to improve the situation.

I had to receive once one of those not-so-pleasant news to share here. This was after the doctor had all the medical facts analyzed and solid proof of the outcome. The doctor sat next to me, we talked. He took a tissue box and put his arm around me, at the same time saying that I would come out of the challenge as a winner and bounce back. He allowed me to cry and showed empathy.

The fact that I got to cry there and then, allowed me to deal with the first shock with a professional right next to me. Once I got home, things did not seem so bad anymore and I had taken already my Finnish SISU out to the full extent and decided that it will all turn out to positive.

What was even more amazing...two weeks later the doctor called and checked how I was doing.
With all that he showed me that he is not just an excellent professional but he truly cares for his patients, not only during the sunny but also during rainy days.

Research makes the difference though. The best approach is to check the pages, which rank the doctors based on customer feedback. Then check if they accept your insurance. If one picks a random doctor from the list without checking the customer feedback, you may get a rather "Finnish experience".

When the power of choosing a doctor is given to the patients, it seems to make the difference.
I can only say: if you need a great doctor or refreshingly pleasant doctor's visit, welcome to Houston! :)


  1. Jag håller med! Man känner sig verkligen speciell och i trygga händer när man går till läkaren här:)

  2. That's the amazing thing about dental clinics here in America. The experience matters as much as the details of the treatment. What's the use of top-of-the-line treatments and equipments, if you do not feel better at the end of it all? That's why dental treatments should not only be particular, but also holistic.

    Justene Doan @ A Plus Family Dentistry

    1. Could not agree more :) Thanks so much for reading my blog and your good comment. Happy to see that the blog has reached readers here too!

  3. We really would love to go to Houston now, Inna! Healthcare is such a basic need, that to have that delivered extremely well is quite a bonus. I like how Houston dentists maintain a human touch as they administer their treatments. Dentistry, like all other medical disciplines, are service-oriented, and involves social skills as much as medical technique. Anyway, thanks for this very enlightening blog entry. Cheers!

    Bettye Primm @ Back Mountain Dental

    1. Sorry for late answer...shortage of time in between. Thanks for your comment! Happy to see that my blog has found readers here :) Confirms to me that writing it in English was a good choice. Got more time now in my hands and will continue sharing the journey through life in Houston.
